Friday, February 4, 2022

Twelve Free N Frugal Winter Tips for Keeping Warm

Need Free N Frugal Winter Tips for Keeping Warm? Try These!

Whether you are turning the thermostat down or your power lines have gone down it's always handy to have a few tips around for keeping warm when it's cold outside. This post has a few ideas that I have tried as well as a few that are new to me, so they might be new to you too.
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Frugalist Winter Warmer Frugal List

I have lived most of my life where there was lots of ice and snow in Ontario, so when cold wintery winds blow there are a few tips we used long ago.
  1. Reduce the Space You are Heating - The most important thing to keep warm is yourself, followed by anything that might get harmed irreparably by the cold -medications, instruments. If the heat shuts off retreat to the smallest room or even make yourself a tiny room within a room out of tarps.
  2. Warm Air Rises - The higher up your bed can be the warmer you can be. This goes for footwear too. While we now scorn platform footwear, if you have a pair of platform boots they can help insulate your feet from a cold street.
  3. Snuggle up with a Pup! Centuries ago people knew it was good to put a pup or two up your sleeves such as these. 
    Pekingese Puppy Image By Flickr user iolaire  CC BY-SA 2.0, Link

  4. Plastic Helps Retain Body Heat - When we were small we didn't have insulated boots at all. We wore rubber boots over our socks and shoes, but to get our feet into the boots, we need to put plastic bags on top. The plastic bags didn't just keep our feet warm, our feet got hot! 
  5. Use Mirrors to Reflect the Sun's Rays- By placing mirrors in certain ways, you can try to reflect the sun's rays onto a darker surface that will retain the heat from the sun. Some materials hold heat better than others. You can experiment with different types of cloth. If you have snow, you can carve it to make a parabolic deflector and shine more of the sin's rays through your windows.
  6. Use a Blowdryer to Heat Your Bed - If you have electricity, and the furnace goes out, you can use a blowdryer to heat your bed - especially if you have a mattress that has metal coils. A bonus benefit? The heat from the blowdryer might decrease the dust-mite population in your bed too!
  7. Layer Up! Dressing layers can be more effective than one single thick layer of clothing and it allows you to adjust for activity level without getting totally undressed.
  8. Get Active! Moving around can help heat you and your room up! Put on some music and dance!
  9. Seal Cracks Around Windows and Doors. Use whatever you have to stuff into cracks and crevices where the wind is whistling through. 
  10. Redirect Drafts - Live in an open-plan space? Move bookshelves and items around to block drafts of cold air that are circling around.
  11. Use Linament to Kep Your Skin Warmer - Linaments that warm your skin like A5-35 can help your skin feel much warmer.
  12. Cover Your Head - Just as insulating your basement and attic can help you keep your home warmer, covering your head - even when you go to bed can be a big help in keeping you warm. A hoodie is good because it can keep the back of your neck warm too.

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About This Author

Sister Su is grateful to God for keeping her alive. She is a qualified teacher with over 20 years of teaching experience. She writes on several blogs, just started a podcast,  has a YouTube channel and is most easily reached through Twitter @Sister_Su. See her full linktree .@Sister_Su | Linktree
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